Monday, March 24, 2008


I could talk for a while about how annoying morning sickness is, and how I'm lying here trying not to move lest I lose the vital nutrients that I ingested in my bowl of Rice Krispies this morning. But instead I'll comment on how content Tjabe is. All morning, as I've been trying not to excite my stomach, he has been playing happily by himself. From busily concocting something in his play kitchen to making music with his musical drum, he has been so quiet and occupied. The only time that he has needed something from me is when he wanted me to drink his cup of water from his kitchen (pretend, of course) and when he wanted help turning on some music. Of course he's not like this every day, but I'm enjoying it today.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Daddy's boy

As most of you know, Sam is an avid birder and takes his binoculars everywhere. Tjabe went birding with Daddy for the first time on Thursday, and since then has been inseparable from his own binoculars (the Little Tykes version). He loves to hold them and announce, "See, Daddy!" as he peers out the window of the living room. When we ask him what he sees, we get the longed-for response, "Birds!" When I ask what birds he saw with Daddy, he promptly replies, "Duts, deese, and boobirds." (Ducks, geese, and bluebirds) Just what every parent wants to hear.

Don't taze me, Bro

The other day Tjabe was playing with his good friend Blake (3 years old). As they were making their way into the confines of Blake's room, Tjabe was playing with Blake's toy drill, which has an actual motor and (harmless) drill bit that spins. As he held it in front of him, following Blake and letting the drill whirl away, Blake turned and very politely asked Tjabe, with a slight panic in his voice, "Don't drill me, ok?" Oh, the innocence.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Post

I thought I'd start a blog. Here it is. Enjoy.