Monday, February 28, 2011


Winter fun

 Reading to one of many babies

Reading to one of the little girls we watch

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Tjabe went to the dentist for the first time yesterday.  I'm pretty sure it was a great experience for him.  I wasn't actually in the room with him, but I could hear him from the waiting room chatting away with the hygienist and dentist.  Here's the certificate he got - I love the picture they took.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Halftime Review

The kids review of the Black-Eyed Peas halftime show: Maggie dancing below, and Tjabe:  "We should get some of those costumes that light up, Mom."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Rational Mind

The other day I was driving with the kids in the car when we saw one of those big helicopters (the kind with a propeller in front and back) flying - obviously I don't know the technical name.  I asked Tjabe what he thought it was carrying, then suggested that maybe it was carrying some trucks.  "No Mom," he said.  "That wouldn't work.  I'll show you when we get home."
When we got home a few minutes later he sat down at the table with a pen and paper and drew this:

then proceeded to explain it to me (very patronizingly, I might add).
"See Mom, a helicopter is only 6 and a truck is 10, so it wouldn't work to have a truck inside a helicopter.  See, 6 and 10."


Our whole family was at the gas station and Sam was out pumping gas when I asked him to clean the back window.  We watched him from inside and, as he was scrubbing, Tjabe said, "Wow!  He's really good at that!"  I smiled and agreed, then watched Sam start squigee-ing it, leaving a big streak of dirt.  I let out a little groan, and Tjabe said, in an admonishing voice, "It's okay, Mom.  He's doing a good job." Bless his heart.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What I Just Heard

Tjabe: G[a little girl that he's been playing with], come look at this big poop I just did!
Me: Honey, she doesn't need to see your poop.
T: But she must!  [Pointing G to the toilet] Isn't it great?!