Today we went to Kid's Day of Bozeman, a fun annual event where kids can do activities, with free food and information about several kid-related things. We've gone every year except one, and this was it's fifth year. Anyway, there are several drawings, and one of them was for a new bike, which Tjabe won! I think I was more excited than he was, but he loves it now. Perfect timing too, since the miniature tricycle he rides is much too small for him this year. The bike is great - a Huffy Rockit (that's the correct spelling, and boy does he rock it!). It's a two-wheeler with training wheels, red, and just the right size for our lanky boy. We had to take it for a ride when we got home, even though it was raining. He caught on quickly how to ride it "very fast" and use the brakes. He is still figuring out that he needs to slow down at turns. I followed him along as he rode and had flashes to 11 years from now when he's learning to drive and I'm sitting beside him, calling out, "Slow down at the turn! Now show me how you stop!" After two laps around the building and three falls onto the soft, soaking grass, he is a satisfied, happy guy. Here he is trying it out.

I'm also excited because now when he rides his bike on our walks I can go at a reasonable pace, instead of the tricycle crawl.