Just an update on what the kids are doing, since that's all anyone cares about anyway (and justly so!).
Maggie: Has recently taken to holding any type of phone to her ear and barking "Hi" into it over and over. That's the only way I know to describe her husky voice. We're convinced that she's going to be a sultry lounge singer. Not only can she do the deep Diana Krall sound, but she can also hit Mariah Carey's high falsetto when she gets really mad.
She also tries to climb onto anything she can find, any way she can, and gets very angry when she has trouble doing this (or is thwarted by a cautious adult).
Tjabe: Has started doing school with me for an hour every weekday (although not always on Fridays - sometimes we do something else that day, like the library or a big art project). He loves it. We're working our way through his
big Bible (I would recommend it to anyone with kids - it is theologically sound with great pictures and we probably get through it every month, and then he's excited to start it over again the next day). Then we do his catechism questions and memory verses, then writing his letters and numbers, then an art project, then reading practice. Often then he will go teach school to some of his toys, where he gets to be in charge.
He has been very excited about the snow we've gotten and can't wait to play in it. He gets sad when it melts but I try to convince him that there will be plenty more to play in in the weeks to come.
When we practice writing his letters I will sometimes have him write words that he knows - the typical "cat," "mom," etc. Then he makes long combinations of random letters and writes his own words. The other day he told me he was writing "huge words. Powerful words." If you have read the beginning of the aforementioned Bible you will understand.