And the verdict is... It's a girl! I'm always a little unsure about the girl findings, thinking maybe they just missed something, but we basically had the ultrasound done twice yesterday, once with the tech and again with the radiologist, and both agreed that it seemed to be a girl (plus they got two different views of that telling region). Everything else on the ultrasound looked great, and I am still set to be due November 12. We took Tjabe, who seemed interested while it was happening ("I see baby on TV?"). He liked looking at the pictures afterward too. We didn't explain the pictures too much to him, but just told him that this was the baby. Sam thought he might have nightmares if we tried to explain the pictures to him, especially the face one, thinking he was going to have some kind of monster sibling. They are all pasted below for your viewing pleasure. It always amazes me how strange the baby looks in ultrasound, especially the face shots. Kind of creepy if you don't know what you're looking at... Anyway, we are excited to have a daughter, and Tjabe still doesn't really have comprehension of boys vs. girls, so he was just excited that we let him watch the baby on TV (poor kid doesn't get to watch much TV).