Monday, August 11, 2008


More things Tjabe has said lately:
- "I need an adjustment." (on our way to the chiropractor)

- "Aaawwwww.... cute!" At the time he was referring to the gummie vitamins I was handing him, although I don't know why, but he often says the "Aaawww" part whenever he is referring to the baby. For example, before bed he says goodnight to Sam and me, then we go through this discourse:
Tjabe: "Open." meaning "Please scoot up your shirt Mama so I can see your belly." Apparently his goodnights to the baby don't work through fabric.
I pull my shirt up to show him my belly.
Tjabe: "Aaawwwww...." placing both hands on my belly button. Not my stomach, but right on my belly button. I think he thinks it is some kind of port hole to the baby, or maybe even the baby itself. He holds them there until I make my stomach move, so he thinks the baby has "kicked him". He would never hold it there long enough to actually feel her move though. Then he puts his face up to my belly until I move again, then he laughs and puts his hands up again. We do this a few times, and I get another "Aaawwwww," and then he kisses my belly button and goes off to his bed. I can't wait to see how he reacts to a baby actually coexisting in his house with him in a few months.

- "In the moon like, In the moon like." He was trying to sing along to a song that was playing that actually goes, "In the moonlight, In the midnight..."

- "Go Mama, go!" wanting me to push him faster in the shopping cart.

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