I'm too tired to make many comments, so let the pictures speak to you and use your imagination, if necessary. I will say we have been enjoying our family immensely. Maggie is now crawling like a speed demon, pulling herself up on things, climbing up stairs if left to her own devices, and sporting two teeth. Tjabe is still the little bugger he always was, and still a great big brother.

Maggie and Grandma S.

Watching the water rocket

Doing the water rocket

Our champion waver

Probably twirling again
Go-karting (they spelled it with a k there, I never knew)
Thanks so much for sharing your photos - keep it up! It's so fun to see what's going on with you guys and the kids look like they're having a blast. Give them big hugs for us!
Seriously, have CUTER kids. Because these haven't melted my heart enough.
I miss you! When are you coming home? And happy anniversary! What's the day, and I will put it in my planner. You MIGHT get an inappropriate email next year. Maybe.
Who am I kidding? All my emails are inappropriate!
love maggie's little boots!
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