Monday, December 7, 2009


Tonight I was vacuuming the living room after dinner. Tjabe was sitting in an armchair doing a workbook for fun and Maggie was climbing on all the dining room chairs which were pulled out so I could vacuum under the table. As I vacuumed around her I heard Tjabe say something, but I couldn't hear him over the vacuum. Turning off the vacuum, I asked him to repeat it. Without looking up from his book he muttered matter-of-factly, "Don't vacuum up Mags." And yes, he was being completely serious. (Note: He calls Maggie "Mags" and "Peanut.")


We got gas next to a Burger King the other day. Tjabe looked over and saw the big windows looking into the playland area.
T: Mom, can we go there?
Me: Not today.
T: What is that place?
Me: It's called Burger King.

Days later we were driving in town up the street from the same place.
T: I have an idea. Let's go to King Hot Dog.
Me: Where?
T: King Hot Dog.
It took me a minute to realize he meant Burger King.

1 comment:

Addie said...

I love it! We can all go together some time. Those royal hot dogs are the BEST.