Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A conversation...

I just had with Tjabe. He had been sitting on the toilet, reading Go Dog, Go! and doing his... duty (he he, I said duty - thanks for laughing, fellow Scrubs fans). Anyway, I peeked in to check on him, and here's what followed:
T (enticingly): Hey Mooooom-my... look in the toooiii-leeeeet...
Me (looking in at two complacent "products"): Oh good job buddy! Now let's get cleaned up.
T: But hey Mommy, look at that one (pointing to the one sitting on top of the other in the toilet). Isn't it coooool?!
I didn't see anything particularly cool about it, just an ordinary every-day turd, but I occasionally like to be supportive, so I agreed with him. Are little girls like this too?


Elizabeth Wickland said...

Ha ha! Ellie tends to find shapes in them, like one would looking at clouds... "Oooh! It's a dinosaur!" "Wow, Mommy, it's a little itty bitty terd, like a bug!" I think little girls are the same. =D

And on a non-poo related note, we should get together sometime. =D

Holly said...

Hmm - we don't talk about poop that much I am happy to say. Apart from the near daily occurance of Avery pooping in the bathtub.

Ella yells out "Mom!!! Avery pooped in the tub!!! And she is HOLDING IT!!! AVI NO NO NO POOP IS DISGUSTING!"

Children are so delightful :)