Busy summer so far...
About a month ago we released our butterflies, which we grew from caterpillars in a mini-pavilion in our house. Thankfully it got warm enough in time to release them outside instead of having all of them live their lifespans within the pavilion (and me having to deal with ten butterfly corpses). The butterflies were very tame and would let you hold them, at least for the split second before they realized they were free.

This was an innocent butterfly that Maggie snatched up from the grass before he had a chance to fly away. We think he survived her manhandling.

Fourth of July:
Maggie loved the sparklers, as you will see.

Fire-breathing baby!

Learning how to hold it

Tjabe decided to let his frog Oliver have a turn at the sparklers

Stomping on "poppers"
A visit to G & G K. at the end of June:
I'm so glad the butterflies were a success. At least Maggie didn't try to eat the butterfly like your sister did when she was little. :-) The kids are getting so big and so very, very cute!
Great pictures - I'm with Maggie. I love me a little sparkle.
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