Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Things

Off to school

Yesterday Tjabe had his first day of kindergarten, and Sam had his first day of the school year.  Tjabe was excited, and upon returning home I got out of him some of the things he did in his class.  I think he will have a great time, and I'm excited to hear from him what he's learning.  Maggie probably missed him, but we were busy most of the day with other kids, and when we picked Tjabe up (he goes for a half day)  we continued to be busy.  They seemed to fight more than usual yesterday afternoon, so maybe that's her way of missing him.  Then last night before bed Tjabe showed us his first loose tooth.  He kept getting out of bed asking us questions about his tooth, and what would happen when it fell out, and how he should brush his teeth when it's gone, and other things concerning him about the process.  I don't feel old enough to have a kid in kindergarten that's losing his teeth.


Holly said...

Wow! A loose tooth, that is a big deal. How did he grow up so fast? I am glad he liked school, kindergarten seems pretty fun! Ella and Avery have been fighting more since school started too, it is weird, I thought they would be missing each other more :)

Michelle said...

He looks very excited to be going to school! I can't believe he's already old enough either.