This is my response to not blogging for a while. Here are a bunch of random pictures of Tjabe, some from several months ago, merely to satisfy those of you jonesin' for photos.

Typical Tjabe activity, looking for birds out the living room window (we have a little stream/field area in that direction)

Tjabe with good buddies Izzy and David

Tjabe birding with Momma (a few weeks ago)

Tjabe hiking with Daddy on the same trip

In case you hadn't heard, Tjabe can fly, but only backwards. And in the seated position.

In February he was going through a phase where he liked being rolled up in this big blanket we have. Then he liked to roll Mommy up in it (I'm standing next to him waiting for my turn).

This one is from the end of January - he found our hymnal and decided to perform a little concert for us in the middle of the kitchen floor. He's actually singing here.
CUTE. He's a keeper, that one!
I love the picture of him rolled up in the blanket! Too funny.
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