Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Negotiator

I know this is common with kids but didn't think it would happen so soon...
When we spank Tjabe now, we explain how he disobeyed and then tell him "Because you disobeyed I'm going to give you three spankings (or sometimes more)." His response lately is "No Momma, 2 spankings."
As if it were up for discussion.

Tjabe has taken up the habit of telling us "No!" or arguing when we tell him to do something. We are looking for different ways to combat this (something that might be more relevant or immediate than a spanking) so a friend recommended we try putting something that tastes bad (i.e. soap or vinegar) into his mouth when he says things that are disrespectful. Sam and I tried it the other night when he told us "No" after being asked to do something. We gave him a teaspoon of vinegar and explained why (not that he understood). Problem is, I think he liked the vinegar. He had a pretty shocked look at first (Sam and I had to turn away so he couldn't see us laughing), then his expression was kind of like, "Mmmm, I might like some more of that." So I'll let you know how the soap pans out next time.

1 comment:

Addie said...

You can't first ply him with salt & vinegar chips and expect him to dislike vinegar!

Maybe try Sriracha chile paste before you go to soap...I'm all about keeping it to things that are SUPPOSED to be ingested. But that's just me - I'm not sure how you Koenens roll!