*"Nap" is such a relative word. What Tjabe had actually just done was talk and play in his room for an hour and a half. He's getting over a little cough/stuffy nose, so I was really hoping he would sleep. Especially since he hasn't been sleeping for naps these past few days, and we had a bedtime melt-down one night because of it. So after him persistenly asking if he could come out of his room yesterday afternoon after his nap, and with me still wanting some Mommy time to get things done, I told him he could come out when his clock (the one is his room is, unfortunately, digital) said "four-zero-zero." When Sam got home I think it was around 3:57, and he asked for three minutes if it was time yet, with me reminding him repeatedly, "What does your clock say?" I think that's a concept that will take some time for him to grasp, but we'll keep working on it. Let's just say that when it did finally say 4:00, he was thrilled and ran out to see Dad (and the TV).
Sam, being the nerd that he is, wrote out the baseball game schedules for the rest of this week on a photo-copied page from his calendar. He listed the games with three-letter abbreviated names of the teams that were playing. Out of curiosity (and to be supportive of his interests) I was reading this schedule last night. I thought I was doing pretty well at recognizing the teams. For someone who only watches baseball if it happens to be on and I have nothing else to do, I was proud of myself for being able to identify "MIL" as the Milwaukee Brewers, and "CHC" as the Chicago Cubs. Then I saw "LAD."
Me: Who is LAD?
Sam: Los Angeles Dodgers
M: I thought it was the Brooklyn Dodgers.
S: It used to be - they moved to LA.
Me (with surprise at this disruption in my entire thinking of baseball): Really?! When?
S: Oh.... in the 60's, maybe?
Can I help it if my only exposure to the Dodgers is when I read "In The Year Of The Boar and Jackie Robinson" in sixth grade?
I didn't check your blog for a while, but what a treat today! You can have two hearty "Amen!"s from me!! Your list of good/bad parts of pregnancy is perfect. I especially hear you on the crazy hormones part (as well as the undesirably large body parts). Bob and I thought we were having marital problems, but it turned out I was just pregnant. If your hormones seem funny now and it doesn't get better during nursing, go see your doctor. I had to. I think mine are finally getting better (a year-and-a-half later). Anyhow, delightful posts!
Awesome confusion on the baseball thing. I'm with you, and I don't ever watch it, even when there's nothing else on, because I would rather READ.
Dodgers in LA? Who knew!
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