Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last night

My computer has been down for a while, so I actually have a good excuse for not blogging lately (much better than my normal laziness excuse).

We've been asking Tjabe to think of things that he wants to thank God for during our family prayer time at night. Last night he wanted to pray first, and it went like this:
"Lord God, Thank you for lights and books and pants. Thank you for [something I couldn't understand, that went on for a few seconds]. Now Dad, pray."

Tjabe was playing with this little game he has, that is all of the planets cut out of a piece of thin foam, and then he can put them back into the "puzzle". He and Sam were goofing around and Tjabe ended up throwing all the little foam planets into the air several times, then gathering them up and repeating the process. At one point we couldn't find Jupiter, which is, sensibly, much larger than any of the other foam pieces. We finally found it, but I have been forbidden to disclose on my blog where it was or what Sam's comment was when we did find it. So if you want a laugh, ask me in person some time, where I can give the appropriate disclaimer and preserve your good opinion of my husband.

We learned yesterday that Tjabe likes to say the alphabet backwards now. I was impressed - I think he does it faster than I could. He must have gotten tired of singing it the right way, loudly, every ten minutes, as he has been known to do lately. On that note, have fun with him this weekend, Mom! Nothing gets stuck in your head like the ABC's! And when he's done with that he sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! It doesn't drive me crazy at all! I love going to sleep with it running through my head, and waking up to it, and eating to it, and ...! Whoever gave those two songs the same tune had a death wish.


Addie said...

Ooh, I can't wait to find out what Sam had to say! And then I will tease him.

Yes, I will.

Most likely Jenn said...

It's good to know that someone smart has the same things running through her head morning, noon, and night. Do you ever wonder when you'll be able to think again?