Monday, April 13, 2009

How Potty Training Changed My Life

  • Every time I see something small and brown on the floor, my first thought is that it is a turd.
  • My cleanliness standards have diminished, slightly.  Yet I still clean the toilet seat several times a week.
  • I actually cried tears of joy when Tjabe pooped on the toilet for the first time.
  • My two new mottos that keep me sane: "Urine is sterile" and "With enough soap, everything washes off."
  • Tjabe consistently incorporates "potty talk" into our dinner prayers: "Dear God, thank you for this food and that I go poop and pee on the potty but sometimes not at the same time and then I get cherries and to watch a movie and I don't go poop in my underwear because then I get a cold shower."

1 comment:

Addie said...

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable prayer to me.

I often pray the same thing.