Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random Shots

Maggie started eating rice cereal this week.  For those of you wondering if Maggie looks like Tjabe did as a baby, here is a picture of her first eating experience:

And here is Tjabe's:

Obviously one of the big differences is that we have a nicer camera this time.  And Maggie has more hair.

Maggie has also begun eating her foot, which you may remember Tjabe doing if you knew him then.  Here she eyes the prey:

And now for a picture of Tjabe blowing bubbles on a beautiful day this week, with his buddy Austin:

And we'll close with a shot of Maggie getting whisker-tickled by Daddy (I love this picture):

I told you it was random shots.

1 comment:

Addie said...

Random cuteness is still cuteness. Your family is so cute, it's SILLY.