Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tjabe's first sleepover

Last week Tjabe had his first sleepover with buddy Blake. They spent the three hours before the sleepover playing at the bounce house (or whatever you want to call it) and running around, so by the time they got to my place and into bed they were pretty tired. I did overhear some whispered conversations from their respective beds in Tjabe's room before sleep took over, and managed to capture some of it below for your reading pleasure. Keep in mind, they were whispering, so they had a hard time hearing each other.

T: Blake, I’m sorry for messing up your fingerpaint. Will you forgive me? (pause)
Blake, I’m sorry for messing up your fingerpaint. Will you forgive me? (another pause)
Will you forgive me?
B: YES! I said yes, yes, yes! Now it’s OVER!

B: Tjabe. Sometime you should come to my swimming lessons. (pause)
Tjabe. (another pause) Sometime you should come to my swimming lessons. You can watch what I do. We do really cool stuff.
T: Sometime I will.
B: What?
T: I said, sometime I WILL!

[later] B: Did you like the pizza we had tonight?
T: Yes.
B: Yeah. The cheese was good.
Then a discussion ensued about Legos that I couldn’t keep up with.

And here they are with freshly-brushed teeth.

1 comment:

Addie said...

I love it. Thank you for capturing that! I hope that Blake's forgiveness was gentle-hearted and stuff. Poor Tjabe! B can be so bossy (and he's called me that twice now), so I feel for the guy.

Also, I have a story for you about the lovely $5 crane. It is almost too pretty to spend, so why on earth do you do that to money?! I love it.