Tjabe got to visit Grandparents K. and S. this past week. I think he was a little confused when Grandma and Grandpa (K.) left and two days later Grandpa and Grandma (S.) showed up, since they were both Grandma and Grandpa but didn't look at all like each other. Talking on the phone is confusing too - the person talking always says, "Hi Tjabe, it's Grandpa! or Grandma!" and I don't know if he really knows which one it is. But since they're all wonderful, it's really a glorious problem to have.
Tjabe spent Easter weekend at home with Grandma and Grandpa K. visiting. He did an Easter egg hunt around the house and was excited to find coins in the eggs. Here's how it worked:

Tjabe found the egg

Tjabe popped open the egg and the coins went flying. Every time. He was never interested in opening it carefully over the table.

Tjabe picked up every single coin and the empty egg.

Tjabe deposited the coins in his piggy bank, and the empty eggs went to Grandma.
He had a lot of fun with it and was a little disappointed when the last of the eggs were found. Then he and Grandma hid a few eggs for Mommy in his room, and Tjabe was very willing to show Mommy where they were so that she didn't actually have to go to the effort of looking for them herself.
Tjabe spent the week after Easter at home with Grandma and Grandpa S. visiting. His favorite thing to do was to swing with Grandpa. He laughed his head off. Here are some pictures.

He's really developed a thing for grandpas lately. He loves his grandmas, but for some reason was drawn to both Grandpas when they were visiting. The first thing he would do in the morning is go find Grandpa. Maybe it's because he's a boy, maybe it's his age, but either way it was kind of sweet.