- Absolutely everything I put into my body is affecting another person
- I really do get tired
- I really do get hungry
- I really do get crabby
- My hormones make me crazy (see potential future post, "Diary Of A Mad Pregnant Woman")
- I have to involuntarily grunt whenever I bend over the sink to brush my teeth or wash my face
- It takes a lot longer to get comfortable before falling asleep
- I can't take a deep breath from certain positions
- I can't sleep on my back or stomach, and sometime when I sleep on my side I feel like my ribs and huge bust are crushing my lungs
- I am constantly spilling food that will
undoubtedly land either on my enormous boob shelf or the baby belly shelf below that
- I am running out of cute maternity clothes that are still comfortable
- I don't like needles and often have to get my blood drawn
- Hospital bills
- I always want to exert myself more than I should
- I can't sneeze or laugh too hard without wondering if I just peed
- There is definitely no sneezing when in the squatting position
- I worry about every little thing that could potentially go wrong with the baby (maybe that's just a mom thing)
- It's hard to not feel frumpy and somewhat mutated with a big belly
- I can't put on my socks or shave my legs without taking a deep breath first
- Tjabe's "Mommy As A Jungle Gym" routine is starting to get more painful
- It's hard to hold a screaming toddler over my lap while I spank him because my belly gets in the way
Can I get an amen, sistas?