I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We did...

The kiddos Sunday before Christmas

Maggie's dress and sparkly red tights

Tjabe's new Thomas robe and pj's, Christmas Eve

Maggie's new bracelet - so cute!

Tjabe's new John Deere hat - the winter version

Tjabe opening his train track set

Tjabe, after playing all morning and afternoon, right through his nap. He loves his trains.

Maggie's Christmas dress and elf/Mary Jane tights- I love this!

Same thing about 5 seconds later
You only have two Christmas options for Maggie? I would like to see a photo gallery of the other twenty-five.
Having a girl would be SO MUCH FUN. Blake just pees his pants and wants to wear shoes that light up.
I'm loving the dresses! Too cute.
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