Tjabe actually turned three Sunday but we celebrated today because our schedule was a little more flexible. We started the day with our weekly adjustments at the chiropractor, then took Tjabe to Barnes and Noble where he played with the Thomas train set and got to buy Harold the Helicopter for his own train set. Then we went to the wine store to buy some wine for our gathering tonight. Then we took Tjabe to the library where we got some fun books to read. Then it was home for a delicious lunch of boxed macaroni and cheese and an avocado (one of his favorite meals), opening his presents (he got spoiled some more, of course), playing with presents for a little while, and a nap. We had some friends over for homemade pizza and cake, including Tjabe's good friend Austin, and they had a blast playing together all night while us adults drank the wine we bought. Tjabe opened his remaining few gifts and went to bed after nine, more than an hour and a half past his bedtime. It was a good day for everyone. Here are pictures.

The gift from Molly, Mike and Micaiah: A Nerf dart set complete with protective eyewear and a target vest. You can see I've already been shot multiple times, while Tjabe remains uninjured.

Bond. James Bond.

Ridding the world of evil one foam-and-velcro dart at a time. With the glasses on backwards.

Ah, I'm hit!

Here is the cake I made. I got the pattern from another blog on the internet and attempted to copy it with a few variations, the big one being I used buttercream frosting instead of Fondit (sp?), mainly because I have heard that Fondit doesn't taste good and is expensive. Not sure if either of those are true, but they also didn't sell it at the grocery store I went to and I didn't want to make another stop. I consider the cake a success in that it somewhat resembles Thomas and Tjabe recognized it as Thomas, plus he could read his name on it. Be glad that you couldn't read my mind late last night as I was trying to frost the thing, though. Some of the smaller pieces turned to crumbs the second I applied frosting (yes, I froze the cake first - it didn't help). This leads to another variation - the removal of some smaller detail pieces. Oh well, it was cute and we all enjoyed having blue and black tongues when it was over.

Tjabe, Austin, the cake, and an empty bottle of wine

"Mmm, that looks good."
(Actually, it was.)
SO CUTE. And fondant doesn't taste nice - just looks nice. Next time you need to frost a cake, can I help? I used to be the cake decorator at Baskin-Robbins in a past life.
Wish we were there to help celebrate and/or help drink your wine. Looks like fun! Blake and Rob got matching NERF shotguns - like you, I've been tagged more than they have. Especially on my bum.
I personally think the cake looks more like Tjabe - his chin and cheeks. :D What a great blog.
Oh sorry, I am Anh, a student of Mr. Koenen (no, not the little Koenen, the adult one). Sorry for spamming here :D
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