We went to visit Sam's parents this weekend. One of the highlights for Tjabe was going to Uncle Gary and Aunt Carol's farm, where he got to drive the tractor all by himself. Granted it was only going about 2 miles an hour on an open field, but he loved it. So much so, that we went again the next day during feeding time to repeat the adventure.

Heading out to the field with Grandpa

With Uncle Gary in the tractor

Tjabe's first driving lesson
Eyes on the road, buddy!

Driving by himself

How we doin' back there?

Tjabe driving while Uncle Gary pitched hay for the cows and sheep. Grandpa stood up by Tjabe to navigate, I'm assuming.

Tjabe and Uncle Gary on their way to see the lambs
When Tjabe walked into the barn and smelled the strong "barn" smell, he commented: "What that smell?" Then he visibly gagged.

Tjabe noticed that he was walking in poop. His response: "This is poop. Yuck! Distusting!"

Yup. I'm a hick.

And for you Maggie fans, here is a shot of her meeting Great Grandma M. this weekend.
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